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A Journey of Passion and Commitment

Since our founding in 2022, Vincci has been a love story. Love for the ancient tradition of teas, for the authentic flavor and, above all, for the well-being of those who choose us.

Even though we are new to this journey, we have learned, grown and maintained a commitment to quality.

Paulo Freitas and Mélanie Gameiro are the faces behind the banner (photo from Pinkmovement event).

Taking Purification to a New Level

We are not content with just offering the best teas.

With Magnífica, we ensure that every drop you touch is as pure as nature intended, offering health, safety and satisfaction in every sip.

A Celebration of Authentic Flavors

Each tea we present is a unique experience, a celebration of nature in its purest and most delicious form. Each leaf tells a story; each infusion, a journey of discovery.

Connection, Trust and Commitment

At Vincci, we believe that business is, above all, a human relationship. Every product we create, every tea we select, and every innovation we bring, has a single mission: to make your life more joyful.

Your trust is our greatest treasure and your satisfaction is our greatest goal. When you choose Vincci, you are not just buying a product, but you are becoming part of a community that values ​​health, authenticity and, above all, your satisfaction.

Prestigious Partnerships

The recognition of our tea is reflected in partnerships with renowned establishments across the country.

Restaurants with the coveted Michelin seal, such as Tasquinha da Linda, Louro Gastronómico, Petiscas and Açude, chose our quality.

In addition to these, premium establishments such as Pedra Alta, Karuta SushiBar and Palco do Picadeiro opted for Vincci teas. And to further enrich this partnership, we offer a detailed tea menu, which tells the story and benefits of each selection, strengthening the customer's connection with the Vincci experience.

Environmental Commitment

At Vincci, the commitment goes beyond products on the market. As proud members of the Portuguese Pact for Plastics, we absorb knowledge and inspiration from partner companies, aiming for innovations applicable to our operation.

Despite being new to the Pact, we have already supported several projects that accelerate its implementation. But we don't limit ourselves to that.

We are committed to minimizing the use of plastics, intensifying recycling and we are already reformulating our packaging to be even more sustainable.

Looking to the Future - Goals for 2025

We have ambitious visions for the future. One of our pillars is supporting Charity Water. For every Magnificent sold, we allocate part of the profit to this cause.

This commitment is born from a deep understanding: financing of €10,000 has the transformative power to build a well, a vital source that can quench the thirst of an entire village, bringing hope, health and dignity to those who need it most.

As we continue our rise in the market, we remain firm in this noble purpose, aspiring not only to commercial success, but to be catalysts for a more just and humane world.

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