Calma Amor Infusion 100g – Chamomile Base
Chamomile, yarrow, hawthorn, pau d'arco, lemon balm, hypericum, passionflower, lavender, aroma.
Temperature: 95ºC
Quantity: 2-3g for 250ml
Infusion time: 5-10 min
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Relief from Insomnia
Discover the secret to serene nights with the Calma Amor infusion. Developed especially for those seeking refuge from insomnia, our blend is an invitation to the rest that your body craves.
Let chamomile and lavender guide you into a state of relaxation so deep that your nights' rest will inevitably be transformed.
Connection with Calm
Not just for the palate, but for the soul – Calma Amor is your ally against the agitation of the mind that precedes sleep.
With ingredients such as St. John's wort, known for its antidepressant properties, and passion fruit, a natural sedative, this infusion is a powerful formula to harmonize your senses and ease you into sleep.
Deep Tranquility
Each cup of Calma Amor is a promise of tranquility.
Drink and let yourself be carried away to a state where relaxation is so absolute that the world around you disappears, leaving everyday worries behind and welcoming a night of uninterrupted peace.
Longevity of Serenity
Prepare yourself for a cycle of serenity that lasts, with our generous 100g packs, equivalent to around 50 cups.
This isn't just an infusion, it's an extension of your nighttime routine, promising you a more restful sleep, night after night.
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